Terms and conditions


Terms and conditions

By inquiring about our services, signing our service agreement, engaging our professional/management services, visiting our website/office(s), and accessing the information, knowledge, procedures, features, services, products, and tools we provide, you understand and agree to accept and adhere to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy (‘User Agreement’).

These Terms and Conditions are subject to change at Oxford Group‘s sole discretion without prior notice. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this User Agreement (available on our website) periodically to familiarize yourself with any modifications. Your continued use of our site/services after such modifications will constitute acknowledgment of and agreement to the modified terms and conditions and that Oxford Group, its directors, managers, owners, officers or employees are not liable for any losses, damages, legal consequences, or anything else that may result from your use of the site or its services.

General terms and conditions

All information is believed to be reliable based on current facts and figures, but is not guaranteed as it is for reference/educational purposes only and cannot be considered an official guide. Oxford Group cannot accept any obligation and liability for any risk, loss, damage or inconvenience caused by reliance on this content or by any errors or omissions.

Unless otherwise stated, Oxford Group expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

Oxford Group makes no representation or warranty of any kind and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, loss of profit, personal/business opportunity, emotional distress, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with any delay in performance or non-performance due to any reason whatsoever.

The Oxford Group has an external supplier for website hosting and some technology solutions. Oxford Group is not responsible for any site downtime or service interruptions associated with any technology problems, Internet problems or any other type of problem and is in no way obligated to make monetary refunds or reimbursements for any reason.

The Oxford Group is in no way obliged to refund any money for any purchase of service after the actual service has been provided.

All content, logos, drafts, blogs, trademarks and service marks are the intellectual property of the Oxford Group. Any unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.

You have agreed to and shall be fully responsible for indemnifying and holding us harmless against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses of any kind or character, whether direct or incidental, including, without limitation, court costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert fees, interest, taxes and penalties incurred by us as a result of your use of this Site.

Third parties

You agree that you will not forward information and answers provided by Oxford Group to third parties. The Client indemnifies Oxford Group against any loss, action, proceedings, costs, claims and damages which may be caused directly or indirectly by any breach by the Client of its obligations under this Agreement, or reliance by any third party on any advice given by the Client, which was derived directly or indirectly from any information (including responses) obtained from Oxford Group.

Licensees | Third-party services | Reference

You understand that Oxford Group may pay a commission in the form of a referral fee to any organization that refers business to us and, by agreeing to these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that we disclose these business arrangements to you.

In certain cases, Oxford Group may receive royalties, commissions, referral fees and all marketing contributions from third parties when we refer our customers to external suppliers who are not under Oxford Group’s control. The Oxford Group accepts no responsibility for services provided by third parties. We do not endorse and will not be held responsible for any content, advertising, products or services made available by such third parties/providers.

Any dealings between you and any third party suppliers or merchants mentioned or linked by way of direct dealing, including payment and delivery of products, services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are between you and the relevant supplier or merchant. Oxford Group will not be held liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of such trading.

Under no circumstances is the client authorized to have any kind of direct dealings with the third parties introduced by the Oxford Group. And if he/she makes any kind of direct link/agreement, Oxford Group will be entitled to claim the full amount of the service fee equivalent to the value of the services requested and may include extra fines charged by Oxford Group.

General terms and conditions of the site:

By reading and continuing to use the site you agree to the following conditions of use:

  • Disclaimer: Immigration, visa and accounting advice is provided by licensed and qualified partners with all the necessary credentials who are partners of the Oxford Group. However, we cannot accept liability for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on material or information passed on by third parties.
  • Copyright: All design rights, text, graphics and other materials on our website and the selection or arrangement thereof are protected by copyright of the Oxford Group or third parties. Permission is granted to electronically copy and print, on paper, parts of our website exclusively for private or educational use, provided that no changes are made to the material and that the Oxford Group is acknowledged as the owner. Any other use of the materials on our site without our prior written consent is strictly prohibited.
  • Privacy Policy: The Oxford Group is dedicated to keeping your data private. Any information we collect about you is kept strictly secure. We do not pass on/sell/exchange any of your personal data with anyone. We use this information to identify your requests, to provide you with our weekly newsletter and to personalize your service experience with us; that’s all.
  • Accessibility: The Oxford Group always strives to make the site as accessible as possible for users with disabilities. In no way does the Oxford Group seek to deliberately discriminate against disabled users’ access to the site’s service.
  • Disputes and jurisdiction: Each provision within the terms and conditions is severable and any provision that is void, or that may render the terms and conditions void, is excluded. The terms and conditions are governed by the law in force in the USA and each party who agrees to the terms and conditions submits to it. Furthermore, by agreeing to the terms and conditions, you waive any claim that such courts are an inconvenience.

Summary of terms:

Navigator: Used to locate and display web pages via a software application. The most popular are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Cookies: Message given to a web browser by a web server. The message is then stored by the browser in a text file called ‘cookie.txt’. Cookies are used to allow a website to “remember” whether a user has visited the site before and possibly to store marketing information about previous visits (items last purchased, pages visited, etc.). Cookies are also used to store temporary information as a user moves from one page to another within a website (items in a shopping cart, etc.). These cookies are deleted when the user’s session ends. This information is converted to numerical format for statistical purposes, and all information relating to the individual is deleted when the user’s session ends. Users can configure their browser not to allow cookies to be stored on their computer. To do this, follow the instructions supplied with your web browser software.

IP address: If you are connected to the Internet, you have one, for example, it might be something like

User session: A user’s visit to a website begins when the user first accesses any page of a given site and ends after a visitor leaves that site and does not revisit it within a specified period (usually 20 minutes) or when the user’s browser is closed.

Web server: Delivers (displays) web pages to your computer.


All content published or otherwise accessible through this Site is protected by copyright. The Content, the copyright in the Content and all other intellectual property relating thereto is owned or controlled by the Oxford Group. You may only use or reproduce the information in the Content for your personal, non-commercial or educational use. The content may not be used, reproduced, broadcast, published or otherwise transmitted without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. You must respect all copyright notices, information and restrictions contained in any content on or accessed through the Site and maintain such notices on the Content.

Oxford Group

Advice and financial services for introduction to the North American market.



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+ 1 941 557-9426



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