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Temas polêmicos como a base de Alcântara, entrada do Brasil na OCDE e política para entrada de produtos brasileiros nos EUA devem exigir do parlamentar uma atuação distinta –até pelo vínculo parental com o Presidente, avalia Carlo Barbieri, consultor, analista político e economista com mais de 30 anos de experiência nos Estados Unidos.
Se for confirmada pelo Senado Federal a indicação (ainda não oficializada) do Presidente Jair Bolsonaro de seu filho Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL/RJ) ao cargo de Embaixador do Brasil nos EUA, o parlamentar deverá enfrentar desafios em questões importantes para o país.
Na avaliação do analista político, consultor e economista brasileiro, Carlo Barbieri, que preside o Oxford Group – consultoria americana que atua há mais de 30 anos – a nova relação comercial EUAxBrasil, a guerra comercial com a China, e outros pontos relevantes internacionalmente para o Brasil devem exigir do parlamentar aprendizado em curto tempo.
“A conjuntura política é bastante distinta, o deputado possui, por exemplo, uma certa aproximação do presidente Trump, mas de qualquer forma as atribuições são totalmente distintas do que realiza atualmente é são bem desafiadoras, e é preciso estar preparado para enfrentar o jogo parlamentar americano”, afirma Carlo Barbieri.
Uma das principais discussões sobre a indicação do atual deputado é sua capacidade técnica e política para ocupar um dos cargos diplomáticos mais importantes para a política internacional brasileira. Antes de mais nada, segundo o consultor, é preciso entender quais são as atribuições e como atua o chefe diplomático. “O embaixador é a principal autoridade do Brasil no país em que ele reside. Sua principal função é representar o país e melhorar a relação diplomática com determinada nação. Na prática não é tarefa tão fácil”.
As funções do embaixador são dinâmicas. Existe a competência política, que consiste em acompanhar a conjuntura política, social e econômica do país e estabelecer laços entre os países; a comercial, onde o chefe diplomático deve promover os interesses do Brasil com o país; além da administrativa, da divulgação da cultura nacional, etc.
Segundo Barbieri, a rotina na Embaixada do Brasil nos EUA depende muito do perfil do embaixador. “Cada embaixador pode estabelecer seu estilo de trabalho próprio. Tem embaixador mais político, que foca suas atividades em ações parlamentares, e tem também aqueles que se atêm mais às atribuições internas, como as comunicações com outros embaixadores e embaixadas, a fim de disseminar informações relevantes sobre o Brasil e buscar fortalecer o país”.
Independe do estilo, o consultor explica que o embaixador precisa ser, essencialmente, um bom lobista no sentido de promover positivamente o Brasil para o governo americano. “O embaixador deve buscar, com suas ações políticas, defender e proteger os interesses do país, se envolvendo por exemplo, em negociações duras com o governo americano. Mesmo que haja posições convergentes, muitas vezes o entendimento do país sobre determinado assunto pode ser diferente, então cabe ao embaixador fazer essa intermediação. Não é apenas só concordar com o governo americano, mas ponderar o que é relevante ou não para o Brasil”.
No Congresso Americano, essa interlocução envolve a produção de documentos e relatórios para serem enviados ao Parlamento, quando há alguma votação de interesse do governo brasileiro. Um exemplo mais recente é a questão sobre os embargos da carne brasileira nos EUA. Nesse tema, a embaixada é responsável por elaborar informações para enviar aos congressistas mostrando que as condições sanitárias para exportação do alimento estão adequadas.
“Assim, o papel do embaixador é o de se encontrar com congressistas, buscando um bom relacionamento em prol de assuntos como este. Em paralelo também há o trabalho de negociações políticas com órgãos governamentais. Sempre que há uma negociação de interesse relevante e urgente, é preciso a figura do embaixador para atuar”, acrescenta Barbieri.
Se confirmado para embaixador, Eduardo Bolsonaro deverá atuar em questões desafiadoras como por exemplo: a posição do Brasil na guerra comercial dos EUA com a China, o cumprimento da promessa do Presidente Donald Trump de colocação do Brasil na Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Esta entrada pode trazer alto grau de investimento para o Brasil. Outra questão importante será a estratégica no que diz respeito ao uso da Base de Alcântara pelos EUA, embora sua implementação ainda seja incerta, já que precisa ser aprovada pelo Congresso Nacional.
“Nesse tema, o embaixador terá que atuar de maneira mais política possível juntos aos congressistas americanos. A posição privilegiada do centro pode atrair investimentos importantes do mercado mundial de lançamento de satélites, que movimenta cerca de US$ 5 bilhões anuais. Com o aluguel de Alcântara, a Força Aérea Brasileira estima que será possível arrecadar R$ 140 milhões por ano. Os recursos que vão entrar também podem alavancar o desenvolvimento do Brasil e do Maranhão”, afirma Carlo Barbieri.
Além disso, o governo deverá buscar o livre comércio com os EUA. “Depois do tratado assinado com a União Europeia, o Mercosul está diante de uma janela de oportunidade única. É hora de negociar essa uma zona livre com Donald Trump”, posiciona Carlo. O tratado livre seria uma maneira de impulsionar o crescimento da economia nacional – que está saindo aos poucos de uma crise – e fortalecer os vínculos econômicos com o país norte americano.
Um outro desafio é instigar os americanos a concederem o visto E-2 para brasileiros. Este tipo de visto, que pode ser solicitado por empreendedores, é conferido à estrangeiros dispostos a investir um valor substancial em capital ou um negócio nos EUA. Entre os países que tem direito a este tipo de visto estão Japão, Chile, Paraguai, Argentina e França.
If ambassador, Eduardo Bolsonaro will face challenges, evaluates US political analyst
Controversial topics such as the Alcantara base, Brazil’s entry into the OECD, and policy for Brazilian products to enter the US must require parliamentarians to act distinctly – even through parental ties with the President, says Carlo Barbieri, consultant, political analyst and economist with more 30 years of experience in the United States.
If confirmed by the Federal Senate the appointment (not yet official) of President Jair Bolsonaro of his son Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL / RJ) to the position of Brazilian Ambassador to the US, the parliamentarian will face challenges on issues important to the country.
According to Brazilian political analyst, consultant and economist Carlo Barbieri, who chairs the Oxford Group – an American consulting firm that has been operating for over 30 years – the new US-Brazil trade relationship, the trade war with China, and other internationally relevant issues. Brazil should require parliamentarians to learn shortly.
“The political conjuncture is quite different, the MP has, for example, a certain approximation of President Trump, but in any case the attributions are totally different from what he is doing today and are very challenging, and one must be prepared to face the parliamentary game. American, ”says Carlo Barbieri.
One of the main discussions about the appointment of the current deputy is his technical and political capacity to occupy one of the most important diplomatic positions for Brazilian international politics. First of all, according to the consultant, it is necessary to understand what are the duties and how the diplomatic chief acts. “The ambassador is the main authority of Brazil in the country in which he resides. Its main function is to represent the country and improve the diplomatic relationship with a given nation. In practice it is not such an easy task. ”
The ambassador’s duties are dynamic. There is the political competence, which consists in following the political, social and economic conjuncture of the country and establishing ties between the countries; the commercial, where the diplomatic chief must promote Brazil’s interests with the country; besides the administrative, the dissemination of the national culture, etc.
According to Barbieri, the routine at the Brazilian Embassy in the US depends a lot on the ambassador’s profile. “Each ambassador can establish his own style of work. It has a more political ambassador, which focuses its activities on parliamentary actions, and there are those who focus more on internal tasks, such as communications with other ambassadors and embassies, in order to disseminate relevant information about Brazil and seek to strengthen the country. ”
Regardless of style, the consultant explains that the ambassador needs to be essentially a good lobbyist in order to positively promote Brazil to the American government. “The ambassador must seek, through his political actions, to defend and protect the country’s interests, for example by engaging in tough negotiations with the US government. Even if there are convergent positions, often the country’s understanding on a given subject may be different, so it is up to the ambassador to do this. It is not just to agree with the US government, but to consider what is relevant or not to Brazil. ”
In the American Congress, this dialogue involves the production of documents and reports to be sent to Parliament, when there is a vote of interest to the Brazilian government. A more recent example is the issue of Brazilian meat embargoes in the US. In this regard, the embassy is responsible for preparing information to send to congressmen showing that the sanitary conditions for food exportation are adequate.
“Thus, the ambassador’s role is to meet with congressmen, seeking a good relationship on issues like this. In parallel there is also the work of political negotiations with government agencies. Whenever there is a negotiation of relevant and urgent interest, it takes the ambassador to act, ”adds Barbieri.
If confirmed as ambassador, Eduardo Bolsonaro should address challenging issues such as Brazil’s position in the US trade war with China, fulfilling President Donald Trump’s promise to place Brazil in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (OECD). This entry may bring a high degree of investment to Brazil. Another important issue will be the strategic one regarding the use of the Alcantara Base by the US, although its implementation is still uncertain as it needs to be approved by the National Congress.
“In this regard, the ambassador will have to act as politically as possible with the American congressmen. The center’s privileged position could attract significant investment from the world’s $
If ambassador, Eduardo Bolsonaro will face challenges, evaluates US political analyst
Controversial topics such as the Alcantara base, Brazil’s entry into the OECD, and policy for Brazilian products to enter the US must require parliamentarians to act distinctly – even through parental ties with the President, says Carlo Barbieri, consultant, political analyst and economist with more 30 years of experience in the United States.
If confirmed by the Federal Senate the appointment (not yet official) of President Jair Bolsonaro of his son Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL / RJ) to the position of Brazilian Ambassador to the US, the parliamentarian will face challenges on issues important to the country.
According to Brazilian political analyst, consultant and economist Carlo Barbieri, who chairs the Oxford Group – an American consulting firm that has been operating for over 30 years – the new US-Brazil trade relationship, the trade war with China, and other internationally relevant issues. Brazil should require parliamentarians to learn shortly.
“The political conjuncture is quite different, the MP has, for example, a certain approximation of President Trump, but in any case the attributions are totally different from what he is doing today and are very challenging, and one must be prepared to face the parliamentary game. American, ”says Carlo Barbieri.
One of the main discussions about the appointment of the current deputy is his technical and political capacity to occupy one of the most important diplomatic positions for Brazilian international politics. First of all, according to the consultant, it is necessary to understand what are the duties and how the diplomatic chief acts. “The ambassador is the main authority of Brazil in the country in which he resides. His main function is to represent the country and improve the diplomatic relationship with a given nation. In practice it is not such an easy task. ”
The ambassador’s duties are dynamic. There is the political competence, which consists in following the political, social and economic conjuncture of the country and establishing ties between the countries; the commercial, where the diplomatic chief must promote Brazil’s interests with the country; besides the administrative, the dissemination of the national culture, etc.
According to Barbieri, the routine at the Brazilian Embassy in the US depends a lot on the ambassador’s profile. “Each ambassador can establish his own style of work. It has a more political ambassador, which focuses its activities on parliamentary actions, and there are those who focus more on internal tasks, such as communications with other ambassadors and embassies, in order to disseminate relevant information about Brazil and seek to strengthen the country. ”
Regardless of style, the consultant explains that the ambassador needs to be essentially a good lobbyist in order to positively promote Brazil to the American government. “The ambassador must seek, through his political actions, to defend and protect the country’s interests, for example by engaging in tough negotiations with the US government. Even if there are convergent positions, often the country’s understanding on a given subject may be different, so it is up to the ambassador to do this. It is not just to agree with the US government, but to consider what is relevant or not to Brazil. ”
In the American Congress, this dialogue involves the production of documents and reports to be sent to Parliament, when there is a vote of interest to the Brazilian government. A more recent example is the issue of Brazilian meat embargoes in the US. In this regard, the embassy is responsible for preparing information to send to congressmen showing that the sanitary conditions for food exportation are adequate.
“Thus, the ambassador’s role is to meet with congressmen, seeking a good relationship on issues like this. In parallel there is also the work of political negotiations with government agencies. Whenever there is a negotiation of relevant and urgent interest, it takes the ambassador to act, ”adds Barbieri.
If confirmed as ambassador, Eduardo Bolsonaro should address challenging issues such as Brazil’s position in the US trade war with China, fulfilling President Donald Trump’s promise to place Brazil in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (OECD). This entry may bring a high degree of investment to Brazil. Another important issue will be the strategic one regarding the use of the Alcantara Base by the US, although its implementation is still uncertain as it needs to be approved by the National Congress.
“In this regard, the ambassador will have to act as politically as possible with the American congressmen. The center’s privileged position could attract significant investment from the world’s $ 5 billion annual satellite launch market.