In this scenario, it will be held in Campinas, on the 27th of February, from 1:30 pm to 6 pm, the “Forum for Internationalization of Companies – 4th Edition – Learning and debating with those who understand!”, which will bring together in one place content about new international markets, investments in Brazil, networking , services for companies that are coming to Brazil or looking to access new markets, and much more.
We spoke with Leonardo Tiroli, creator of this cycle of events, who reinforced “In this edition we will be innovating and taking action with our experts and we will meet in working groups from specific areas to help with information on different sectors and guests will have the opportunity to meet with them as a group, present their doubts and analyze paths for the success of their businesses.”
An important part of the event is the opportunity to connect with decision makers and company executives, about which Leonardo Tiroli says that “Networking is an important part of our events, so we reinforce for guests to bring cards, introduce themselves to each other and analyze how they can do business, help each other and continue with this contact, after the event, this way, great businesses are born”.
Content and names confirmed:
Leonardo Tiroli, creator of the Business Internationalization Forum – He will talk about upcoming events and business opportunities and cooperation generated through its events.
Eduardo Arantes – President of the Angola x Brazil Chamber of Commerce. Business opportunities in the Angolan market.
Daniel Dias, CEO of Somo International and former executive of Huawei, a Chinese telecoms conglomerate. Doing Business with China: How Should I Get Started?
Renato Camilotti, partner at Camilotti & Castelanni – Advogados Associados – Secrets and ways to succeed in the legal and tax area when internationalizing your business.
Fernanda Emerenciano, Partner at ICAMP Trademarks and Patents – Care and recommendations when taking your brand abroad.
Rodrigo Cremer, CEO of BTH Blockchain Solutions – Perspectives in the area of Blockchain technology and experiences in Portugal and China.
Evandro Silva, Partner at Shiplog, logistics and customs clearance – Business Models to start internalizing your company in a safe and structured way.
Carlo Barbieri (online), CEO of Oxford Group USA – International Perceptions on Brazil and Investment Perspectives.
Maira Aranha, COO of the EAD Guiddlle Platform – Illynois – USA – Presentation of statistics and benefits in the USA and BRAZIL of EAD education.